Monday, April 27, 2015

Then and Now

I suffered social anxiety and Depression in High School. In high school my depression and social anxiety were a little more discreet then in today's case. In other words, I hid it very well. I laughed with my friends, I smiled at passing students in the hall, I went to parties at the lake and had a good time. On the out side. On the inside there was a whole different realm of my life that no one even knew existed. I played it off like my every day life was wonderful. I never talked about it. Years went by and things were great! I was happy, I loved every waking moment of my life. Then one day ot of the blue, I got sick. I felt different. I felt like I always had a piece of toilet paper stuck to my shoe. Whether or not I knew the people around me. I felt like they were digging for a solution to loath my every being, as much as I already do. In all reality they probably barely even noticed that I'm even there. This time, my battle seemed un- resolvable. I felt completely and utterly alone. Now I know, I have "Some" real friends I CAN rely on if I need them. The saddest thing is, Id they are people that I have never even met. They are miles away, or even in a different country. Real Friends are real friends. No matter the distance.

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